Friday, March 21, 2014

4 Examples of Attempts to Reduce Prejudice; 4 Progressive Playgrounds


***Audiovisual Education (Films shown in class):"
Can Be Unsuccessful
Why: While this method can be very instrumental when trying to reduce prejudice among children, it can also serve no positive purpose when done poorly. Teachers should put extreme care on the they tone set before and after any audiovisual education on racism and prejudice. If discussion isn't facilitated before and after showing a film that examines these issues, many children may dismiss the messages or soon forget the power of whatever film is shown. Discussion is where the real fruit of these topics lie. Children should be allowed to verbalize their perspectives and learn why some of their views may be problematic.

Can Be Unsuccessful 
Why: While travel is a great way to expand horizons, it too often serves as a faulty way to effectively reduce prejudice. Travelers who decide to see a different part of the world can easily fall into the "white savior complex." This complex is born from the idea that one must swoop in to "save" the natives of poorer countries. The idea is not a completely negative one--it is the duty of affluent countries to aid poverty stricken areas of the world--however, the image of these inhabitants is one that overlooks their humanness. International travel for the purpose of service is noble; but one must remind herself that the people she serves have complex life experiences and emotions regardless of where they live.

Why: This method of reducing prejudice focuses on communication and openness. Exercisers of this method are able to voice accounts of prejudice and receive broader maps of race relations. Dialogue with the goal of actively listening to all parties involved with prejudice is a productive way to reduce the rampant issue among youths.

***Intergroup Contact Method:
Why: This method, like the Dialogue method, allows for a space to voice ideas and perspectives; however, intergroup contact tackles the dynamics of groups sharing ideas as opposed to individuals. Contact on a macro scale takes place. Setting is crucial as it determines the amount of comfort each group has to openly express concerns and questions. While the classroom can be a comfortable space to bring forth ideas seldom heard, playgrounds take the formality of the prejudice discussion out of the equation. Prejudice-reducing games and activities can display the rights and wrongs of race relations in a more palpable way for children.


1. Adult Playground in London
2. Airplane Playground
4. Floating Playground

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