Sunday, March 23, 2014

good and bad contact situations
This article puts emotional qualities that come along with prejudice as more of an important factor than stereotypes. While emotional qualities are important to a contact situation, stereotyping illicit these feelings not so much the other way around. In a contact situation, this thinking would impede on furthering the contact because it would only focus on emotions of the two groups rather than activities that would include the four pillars of intergroup contact theory.
This article is asserting that studies show that areas which there is a culture mixture of people there is less prejudice. The author Miles Hewstone has written a lot on intergroup contact (he was a author of one of my references), I place this article in the good section because in communities there is always a sense of a commonality that came be related on. If, like in this study, there is a fair mix of cultures in one area there is always interaction on a daily life bases. The common goal in this situation is the community and possible he upkeep of it. While at the same time i can see an argument for "bad" in this situation as well because interaction without one of the four pillars can increase a senses of stereotypes. 
The commuter rails in any place, may not be the best place for a intergroup contact situation. The reason for that is that just because you are in a space together for an extended period of time does not mean you are making productive contact. There is not really a collective effort, common goal or support. While there maybe a sense of equal status because everyone paid the same amount of get on the train, everyone can sit where they choose, etc this alone does not increase positive outlooks.
The common goals of participating on a team, in this case a soccer team, is a highly productive situation. It applies all four pillars of the intergroup contact theory. I also see a great effect on the fans in this situation, who see an american play on an Iranian team.

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